Previous EEI UK Highlights & Testimonies
"It is very hard for me to overstate how much of an impact the EEI has had on my life" |
"The EEI has been an amazing time for me. It has helped me to understand the call of the evangelist. I warmly recommend EEI" |
"Not what I expected! God spoke into my calling very clearly" (Andrew) |
"EEI is like an oasis. I am leaving refreshed and reinvigorated" (Lorna) |
EEI UK Training October 2024 |
In October 2024, thanks to God, we were able to enjoy a truly uplifting gathering. Not only did we connect with evangelists from different parts of the United Kingdom, sharing various stories and testimonies of how God is moving in different areas of the country, but we also had the special pleasure of having Michael Phillips (Christian Legal Centre) with us. Through him, we deepened our understanding of the context surrounding us, our difficulties, challenges, and obstacles in the present time. We learned more about the ministry 'Christian Concern' and the great work they are doing, that being passionate about Jesus, they struggle to bring love, justice, truth, freedom and the hope of the Gospel to the society in which we live. In addition to this, we had the visit of Beth Peltola, a speaker and author of several books, and founder of the 'One Truth Project,' a Christian network that offers support and resources to the church in reaching out to the Muslim community. Through her, we learned much more about the Muslim world, and explored ways to share the Gospel within their culture. It was truly encouraging. We were also able to go out into the streets of Northampton to share the Gospel with people who don’t know Him yet, witnessing that afternoon testimonies from people who took a step closer to Jesus. It was exciting and fruitful, with many Gospel conversations and two people professing faith in Christ. |
EEI UK Training March 2024 |
We had a brilliant time as we gathered in March for our latest training module; ’The Call of the Evangelist’. We covered several key aspects of this significant theme and were particularly blessed by our keynote speaker, Jill Garrett, who helped us understand how we are wired as evangelists and the implications this has for ministry. Also having time together sharing the Gospel on the streets of Northampton, it was inspiring to see the gift of the evangelist being exercised, and hugely encouraging to see countless Gospel conversations on the high street.
The weekend saw six of our number graduate. How encouraging to see this group of young evangelists eager to press on with this precious call to proclaim the Gospel and equip others to do likewise. We look forward hearing testimony in due course as to how the Lord is working through their lives and ministry. |
EEI UK Training October 2023 |
In October, we were back in Northampton with young evangelists (and those young in their call) for our module, "The Evangelist and the Church.' Highlights included gleaning from our guest speakers: Peter Kennelly (OAC Ministries) and Glenn Johnston (who served for many years on the EEI leadership team); praying for one another and for the UK Church; and sharing the Gospel on the streets of Northampton on Saturday afternoon. As Peter reminded us in one of his sessions, "To love the Bridegroom is to love His Bride." May we, as evangelists, love and serve the Body of Christ, both locally and in a wider sense!
"I come away from this weekend feeling sharpened and spurred on.” - Hayden (Participant) |
EEI UK Training March 2023
With guest speaker Mitch, from Crown Jesus Ministries, bringing some excellent teaching, this most recent module saw us tackle the subject; ‘The Evangelist and Communication’. With some new participants joining, we took time to look at forming and delivering an evangelistic talk, which included each participant preaching for 5 minutes, then braced for friendly critique! The goal is to sharpen each other as we pursue this precious call to proclaim Jesus. It was an encouraging weekend!
"It was a great weekend I left inspired, challenged and encouraged.”-(Participant) |
EEI UK Training September 2022
What a great weekend we had in September as our evangelists in training tackled the module; ’The Evangelist and Context’. Here we spent time working through the ‘how to’ of proclaiming the Gospel into our culture and how we help the church do likewise. We had some superb input from guest speakers Andrea Williams, Helder Favarin, and Martin Povey, which stirred and challenged all present. It was also very encouraging to take to the streets of Northampton - an hour or so to exercise our gifting together. We were thankful to God for many Gospel conversations.
"(Through EEI) I started seeing the urgency (of sharing the Gospel) again… Who is going to tell them (the lost) if not us?” - Miriam (September 2022 participant) |
EEI UK Training March 2022
March 2022 saw the EEI 'cycle' reset once more as we returned to the first module of the course, 'The Call of the Evangelist.' We were thankful for the input from our guest speakers Mark Greenwood (Elim) and Jill Garrett (Tentpeg Consulting). Mark shared about the importance of remaining sharp as an evangelist, about response, and the call to proclaim the Gospel. Jill explored with us how we are 'wired' as evangelists and the unique qualities God has gifted us each with, using Gallup's "StrengthsFinder" analysis. We also went out on the streets on Saturday afternoon again and were delighted to partner with New Covenant Church in Northampton as the Gospel was preached in the town centre.
"Refreshing, challenging, stimulating and encouraging. Thank you for the teaching, opportunity to witness and for the times of fellowship. A great blessing!"- March 2022 participant |
EEI UK Training September 2021
In September 2021, a group of evangelists gathered in-person at King's Park Conference Centre in Northampton for the fourth module of EEI, 'The Evangelist and the Church.' We were delighted to be joined by guest speakers Liz Hilton (Generations Church, graduate of EEI) and Peter Kennelly (former National Director of OAC Ministries), both of whom spoke to the place and role of evangelists in the local church and the importance of equipping the saints for evangelism. On Saturday afternoon, as a group, we headed on to the streets of Northampton to share the Gospel with those walking past. For some of the participants this was a new experience. We were encouraged as we heard from, learned from, and prayed for one another.
"It has been a blessed weekend. I've been inspired, empowered and enlightened." - Ike, September 2021 participant |
EEI UK training March 2021
Whilst we would have dearly loved for this training weekend to be held in-person, we found that Zoom was not a barrier to the Holy Spirit! With excellent input from guest speakers Mark Ritchie and Todd Alexander, we had a terrific weekend together and I am sure most, if not all, can testify to being impacted as the Lord spoke to our hearts. Our theme was ‘The Evangelist and Communication’ and we certainly came away freshly inspired and further equipped to “Preach the word”!